Saturday 16 January 2016


 The Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) was created in 1976. It has consolidated a project joining scientific, technological, economic, cultural and social development committed to democratic principles and clearly conscious of its status as a governmental institution, which is highly active in Brazilian society. UNESP´s actions are focused on nearly every field of experimental and theoretical sciences such as: engineering, health, communication, humanities, social sciences and arts, among others.

 UNESP is a respected institution with accomplished members, fully-accredited programs and strong research base – and these will remain its priorities. UNESP is one of the largest and most important Brazilian universities, with distinguished achievements in teaching, research and extension services. UNESP is supported by State funds. UNESP is the most successful model of a multi-campus university in Brazil. Such a unique characteristic allows for intense and diversified activities in Sao Paulo, the most developed state in the country. Its influence can be recognized by the level of regional development where its campuses are located: one in the state capital and 22 others strategically distributed throughout the State. Following the worldwide trend, UNESP is now, more than ever, looking for new boundaries to cross and challenges to face, by signing new agreements...
Universities in Brazil are a recent phenomenon, compared to other Latin American countries. It was in 1808 that the first one was created (Rio de Janeiro Medicine Faculty). Before the 20th century, there was not a single university in the country. All of them were public or church-maintained higher education independent institutes.
Rio de Janeiro Federal University was the first one, containing every faculty inside Rio de Janeiro city in 1926. São Paulo’s first university was USP, founded in 1933. By the 1950s, countryside people had to move toward capitals for undergraduate study. There were few higher education institutes outside Brazilian metropolises then. São Paulo state government created many colleges outside the capital in the 1950s and 1960s. Preeminent cities in the state received these isolated institutes, known as “Faculdade de Filosofia”.
In the 1970s, discussions were made within state government on how to coordinate the separate institutes. One idea was to join the 14 institutes in a federation or a single university. The decision would be the latter.
Inspired by the University of California multi-campus system, UNESP was founded in 1976. The original campuses were in Araçatuba, Araraquara, Assis, Botucatu, Franca, Guaratinguetá, Ilha Solteira, Jaboticabal, Marília, Presidente Prudente, Rio Claro, São José dos Campos, São José do Rio Preto and São Paulo. Bauru campus was incorporated in 1988.
UNESP is governed by a rector, appointed by the state governor who chose one in a list of three nominees. These nominees are indicated by elections among university’s academics held every four years. Usually, the governor selects the winner of those elections.
The rector presides over the University Council, comprised by directors of every institute in the system and academic representatives. There are ten students representatives. Council takes most decisions that affect the university.
Each institute (there are campus with more than one) has one director and a council who rules with a degree of autonomy. 
Following the worldwide trend and sure to be prepared for that, Unesp is now, more than ever, looking for new boundaries to cross and challenges to face, by signing new agreements with top quality Institutions throughout the world.
Unesp is a respected institution with accomplished members, fully-accredited programs and strong research base – and these will remain its priorities.
Unesp is one of the largest and most important Brazilian universities, with distinguished achievements in teaching, research and extension services. Unesp is supported by State funds and along with USP (Universidade de São Paulo) and Unicamp (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) offers free public higher education in Sao Paulo State.
Unesp is the most successful model of a multicampus university in Brazil. such unique characteristic allows intense and diversified activities in Sao Paulo, the most developed State in the country. its influence can be recognized by the level of regional development where its campuses are located: one in the State capital and 22 others strategically distributed throughout the State.
More Info:
Rua Quirino de Andrade, 215, Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo-SP -

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